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LFTL – Learn From The Leaders Munich 2021. godišnja je Pilates konvencija koja će ove godine ugostiti vodeće trenere BASI Pilates škole (Rael Isacowitz, Samatha Wood, Jessie Lee i Natascha Eyber). Ovi predivni treneri i ljudi podijeliti će svoje iskustvo i znanje s trenerima Pilatesa koji su zainteresirani proširiti znanja o Pilatesu.

Mjesta na konferenciji su popunjena, no još uvijek ima prostora za online sudjelovanje. Ne samo to, imate mogućnost sudjelovanja na događaju u našem Pilates studiju. Studio će otvoriti svoja vrata od četvrtka 30.rujna do nedjelje 03.listopada 2021. gdje se možete pridružiti ostalim sudionicima na konferenciji.

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Program BASI “Learn from the Leaders Munich 2021”

Thursday, September 30th, 2021:

09:00-10:30:   Registration

10:45 – 11:30: Welcome address to the third Learn from the Leaders in Germany with an review of 30 years BASI Pilates Rael Isacowitz, 5 years of the innovative BASI Systems Equipment Cengiz Han Ücgün  and 10 years of BASI Germany/Austria Natascha Eyber

12:00-15:00:  Workshop – Pilates for Text Neck – Samantha Wood

15:00-16:00:  Lunch break with participation at the venue a lunchbox is included in the price

16:00-19:00:  Workshop – Pilates prescription: Hip injuries – Samantha Wood


Friday, October 1st, 2021

07:45-08:30: Registration

08:30-10:00: Mat Class – “Athletic Mat Class” – Rael Isacowitz

10:30 – 13:30 : Workshop – Finding the perfect Pitch – Cueing for success – Rael Isacowitz

13:30 – 14:30: Lunch break with participation at the venue a lunchbox is included in the price

14:30 – 17:30:  Workshop – Pilates, Biomechanics, and Reality: How positive biomechanical concepts can become negative movement patterns – Rael Isacowitz


Saturday, October 2nd, 2021 

07:45-08:30 – Registration

8:30-9:30: Mat class – presented by Mariam Younossi 

10:00-13:00:  Workshop  – Functional knee joint in everyday living – Jessie Lee 

13:00-14:00: Lunch break with participation at the venue a lunchbox is included in the price

14:00-17:00: Workshop – Rotation and multi planar movements of the torso and spine in the Pilates studio – Jessie Lee

17:15- 18:15: Mat class – presented by Maria Sylla

Sunday, October 3rd, 2021:

07:45-08:30 – Registration

8:30-09:30 – Mat class – Mat class with focus on the gait cycle – Jessie Lee

10:00-13:00: Workshop/Presentation. Every BODY is different- no BODY is perfect (part 1)

The Danish Wounded Warriors Project using Pilates as rehabilitation for soldiers and civilians with multiple traumatic injuries, including video presentation – Jessie Lee

Pilates for people affected by physical disabilities, such as thalidomide damage – Natascha Eyber

13:00-14:00: Lunch break with participation at the venue a lunchbox is included in the price

14:00-17:00: Workshop – Every BODY is different- no BODY is perfect (part 2)

Interactive workshop for designing Pilates for clients with serious movement impairment  Jessie Lee and Natascha Eyber 

17:15- 18:15 : Mat class – presented by a member of the BASI faculty (will be announced)