Čestitamo Rael Isacowitz!
U listopadu 2022.g., Rael je primljen u Legacy Circle Pilates Method Alliance (PMA). On je prvi Pilates učitelj druge generacije koji je primljen u PMA Legacy Circle.
Prema PMA-u, ovo je nagrada za životno priznanje. PMA Legacy Circle odaje počast onima koji su svoje živote posvetili povećanju dosega pilatesa. Prvi uzvanici uključivat će Josipa, Claru Pilates i sve starješine (žive ili preminule).
Rael je dio velike ostavštine učitelja i mentora pilatesa. Učio je i podučavao s mnogima i najboljima u pilates zajednici, uključujući nekoliko starijih Pilates učitelja, učitelja prve generacije. Njegov doprinos pilatesu kao učitelja, autora i inovatora prepoznat je i cijenjen u cijeloj pilates industriji. Mi (BASI Pilates zajednica) smo izrazito ponosni na tebe.
Congratulations Rael Isacowitz!
In October, 2022, Rael was inducted into the Pilates Method Alliance (PMA) Legacy Circle. He is the first, Second Generation teacher to be inducted into the PMA Legacy Circle.
According to the PMA, this is designated as a lifetime recognition award. The PMA Legacy Circle honors those who have dedicated their lives to increasing the reach of Pilates. The first inductees will include Joseph, Clara Pilates, and all Elders (living or deceased).
Rael is part of the great legacy of Pilates teachers and mentors. He has studied and taught with luminaries of the Pilates world including several of the Pilates elders, the first-generation teachers. His contributions to Pilates as a teacher, author, and innovator are recognized and respected throughout the Pilates industry. Congratulations Rael! We, at BASI Pilates, are so proud of you.